Wednesday, September 24, 2008

from the mouths of babes...

First I must say that obviously I have been a bit behind in my blogging and that is unfortunate because during this time that I have been silent and have not been posting pictures, we (Josh) have lost hundreds of our photos while trying to transfer them to a cd. He says they must be somewhere because he did not specifically delete them, but they are nowhere to be found. So, no birthday pics of the kids, no school field trips, no anniversary trip pics, etc. Thankfully, I had uploaded our disney photos to shtterfly, because they are all gone too. Anyway, I wanted to post this funny thing Samuel said yesterday before I forget...

Yesterday afternoon...
Samuel: Mommy, are you skinny?

Me: Well, I wouldn't say that...

Samuel: Well, your legs are.

Me: Yeah.

Samuel: (takes a closer look) Well, maybe just your feet.
